Remedies for bloated stomach

Stomach bloating is a condition in which the small intestine is filled with air or gas.
Bloating is sometimes accompanied by pain, cramps, diarrhea, breathing troubles, excessive gas (flatulence).
  • Overeating
  • Eating food with excessive fats
  • Eating too fast

  • Avoid overeating. Eat something in short intervals, but do not over eat
  • Avoid eating heavy and junk food. The fact that it is heavy and harms your health is well known to everyone.
  • Do not eat too fast. It takes nearly 20 to 30 minutes for your brain to register that the stomach is full. So eat at a normal speed and gulp only after chewing properly. Give one meal at least 20 to 25 minutes.

  • Lemon with warm water: Warm water helps to release toxins and lemon juice with acidic components which helps to get relief from bloating, constipation and gas.
  • Baking soda with lemon: These both act like champagne. They react together to make fizz and dissolve the stomach bloat instantly. Mix water and drink to reduce flatulence.
  • Mint tea: Menthol is the main ingredient of mint which contains anti spasmodic quality that keeps the digestive tract muscle smooth and fine. Have a mint tea after 30 minutes of taking meal to keep away stomach bloating.
  • Ginger juice: Add few thin slices of ginger into a cup of boiled water and let it steep for 10 minutes. Ginger is an effective carminative helping to alleviate gas, bloating and cramps. It calms the intestinal activity and expel gas from your digestive tract. It also contains gingerol that is an effective pain reliever.
    1. As ginger thin's the blood, you should not take it if you are on a blood-thinning medication without doctor's concern.
    2. In case of gallbladder stones concern a doctor before consuming ginger.
    3. In rare cases ginger may cause mild diarrhea, mild heartburn, mouth irritation or stomach discomfort.
